4 Suggestions for Avoiding Psoriasis Flare-Ups
Breakouts of itchy, scaly patches on the skin due to a chronic autoimmune skin disorder called psoriasis can not only be frustrating, but also lead to feelings of anxiety and depression. One of the first steps in treating this disorder is being aware of exactly what triggers psoriasis. Our Arizona-based Ironwood Dermatology providers have some simple tips to help you decrease the number of these flare-ups you experience.
1. Keep Your Skin Moisturized
Ensuring that your skin is hydrated reduces the itching and flaking. Symptoms often worsen when your skin is dry because it is more susceptible to outbreaks. It is best to apply thick, oily creams and serums such as petroleum jelly throughout the day to lock moisture in the skin. Also, apply moisturizers after a bath, shower, or washing your hands—and be sure to use a generous amount. However, patients should avoid products that contain essential oils, fragrance, dyes, or chemicals and products that are alcohol based.
2. Avoid Trauma to the Skin
Any scrapes, bumps, cuts, or infections can cause new patches to flare up on otherwise healthy skin, so it is critical for people who have psoriasis to avoid injury as much as possible. Do what you can to avoid nicks and cuts while shaving and avoid chafing or insect bites, but also remember that accidents are not the only sources of skin trauma. Do not get tattoos or acupuncture if you want to minimize flare-ups. Even though your skin will itch, you should also avoid picking or scratching at the patches.
3. Get Stress Levels Under Control
Many patients believe that being under stress makes psoriasis symptoms worsen, so try your best to use techniques such as yoga, relaxation, and meditation to manage your anxiety. Avoid stressful situations and do what you can to support your wellbeing, such as eating healthily, exercising, and getting an adequate amount of sleep.
4. Get Sun Exposure
Although it’s not fully understood why this is the case, some specialists believe that exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light is beneficial for psoriasis patients. The light delays the growth of skin cells. However, you will still need limit your exposure to no more than 20 minutes and wear sunscreen to avoid damage from the UV radiation.
For more information about psoriasis triggers, contact Ironwood Dermatology. Call us at 520.618.1630 or submit a message online to schedule a consultation with our team if you would like to learn more about this chronic skin condition.