Who’s an Ideal Candidate for Kybella®?
A pocket of fat below the chin—commonly referred to as a “double chin”—is often believed to be caused by weight gain, but that isn’t always the case. Yes, gaining excess weight all over your body can cause more fat to be deposited in the chin and face area, but people who aren’t overweight at all can also sometimes have this issue. This is because genetics determine where the body stores fat. So-called double chin exercises that claim to reduce fat in this specific area might be able to strengthen your neck muscles, but they probably won’t have any effect on the localized fat, because targeting specific congregations of fat cells doesn’t work that way. Even with a strict diet and good exercise routine, it may seem nearly impossible to get rid of persistent double chin fat. A more reliable option is Kybella®, an injectable form of deoxycholic acid that gradually dissolves isolated fat below the chin to create a sharper jawline without harming other tissues in the body. Not sure whether double chin reduction at the Tucson and Oro Valley area’s Ironwood Dermatology is right for you? Here’s what makes a good candidate:
You Prefer a Non-Surgical Approach
Patients who are frustrated by the appearance of submental fullness but want to avoid the long recovery times, invasive nature, incisions, and anesthesia involved in plastic surgery can avoid all of those drawbacks with Kybella®.
You’re at a Stable Weight
Patients get optimal results when they remain at or close to their ideal body weight, because future weight gain could cause any remaining fat cells below the chin to become enlarged and create a bulkier look once again.
You Have Good Skin Elasticity
Is your double chin caused mainly by loose skin or by fat? Kybella® is ideal for reducing fat cells specifically, but tightening loose skin requires other strategies. That means fat-reduction injections produce better results on patients who only have mild to moderate skin elasticity. People who have dramatic skin elasticity may have better results with other procedures.
Kybella® is a convenient injectable treatment for removing stubborn fat below the chin without invasive surgery. Sculpt a more defined jaw area with double chin reduction from Ironwood Dermatology, or find out about other cosmetic treatments available. Call 520.618.1630 or submit a contact form to request an appointment and find out whether you are eligible.